Friday 7 February 2014

Before the Razor Hits!

Our Cat, Chanelle (Guniluz for the ones who have her in her social circle) is a hairy cat.  Similar to my friend's cat (Pickle) at Boyo Chronicles (, Chanelle sheds hair by the dozen and what's most exciting than to take away the hair on our corduroy couch? Well, pretty much everything else.  We're fed up with the hair Guniluz!!  As a result, please note today is your shaving day.  We have no remorse and you deserve a trim darling!  This is last night's picture, before the razor's edge touches deep into her soul.  Hang on to my posts as you'll see the aftermath soon!

1 comment:

  1. Tu ne feras plus de cylindre de poils qui te sortent par la bouche Chanelle ;-) Yessss!
